Monday, September 7, 2020

Consumer behaviours and market changes in COVID-19

 Below are the action items every business has to adopt to survive and grow in the new normal:

corona impact on businesses: Covid 19 impact will be felt beyond 6 months,  shows EY survey - The Economic Times

• Build social connect in social distancing 

• Build surround with branded content 

• Use in-home creative solutions Bring alive experiences with digital access

• Virtual launches and product demos 

• Conversational solutions with chat bots for personalized recommendation Optimize Portfolio for Value creation 

How Your Business Can Survive The COVID-19 Crisis (And Then Thrive After It)

• Segmenting consumers to drive differential value 

• Showcase value for money Create Personalized engagement at scale 

• Moment marketing - Use social media for campaigns on trending themes and build saliency Win Consumer Trust Sequential messaging by cohort 

• Interactive & engaging story-telling on safety and wellbeing Replicate In-Person experiences, from trials to conversion 

• Digital innovations like AR/VR/Filters to solve "touch-and-feel” barrier Build Online presence

COVID-19 Symposium: A Time to Kill 'Business as Usual'-Centring Human  Rights in a Frustrated Economy (Part 2) - Opinio Juris

• Own Platforms & Influencing Marketplaces via D2C models, collaborative performance ads & Conversational Commerce Create Financial Access 

• Payment / financing options e.g. EMI, spot loans 

• Segmented communication 2 1 3 4 6 8 9 11 Strengthen CRM solutions 

• Messaging for post sales communication and other digital CRM tools 12 Drive Value by repeat purchase and consumer up-trade 

• Remarket with customized offers 

Bond Bind: Indie Film Ecosystem At Risk With No COVID Insurance – Deadline

• Incentivize peer recommendation 13 10 Medium Term Short Term Relook Media Mix Model 

• Align to new media landscape 

• Accelerated role of regional

India's GDP growth numbers


                                                                India's GDP growth

Indian economy slumps to 7-year low, GDP growth slows to 5% - The Week

The recently released quarterly GDP growth numbers for the first quarter of FY2020-21 should alarm us all. The 23.9 percent contraction in India compares with a drop of 12.4 percent in Italy and 9.5 percent in the United States, two of the most COVID-affected advanced countries.

Yet India is even worse off than these comparisons suggest. The pandemic is still raging in India, so discretionary spending, especially on high-contact services like restaurants, and the associated employment, will stay low until the virus is contained. Government-provided relief becomes all the more important. This has been meager; primarily free food grains to poor households; and credit guarantees to banks for lending to small and medium firms, where the take down has been patchy. The government’s reluctance to do more today seems partly because it wants to conserve resources for a possible future stimulus. This strategy is self-defeating.

India GDP: GDP Truth: No, India didn't do better than US did - The Economic  Times

If you think of the economy as a patient, relief is the sustenance the patient needs while on the sickbed and fighting the disease. Without relief, households skip meals, pull their children out of school and send them to work or beg, pledge their gold to borrow, let EMIs and rent arrears pile up…Similarly, without relief, small and medium firms – think of a small restaurant -- stop paying workers, let debt pile up, or close permanently.

In addition to borrowing, it should prepare public sector firm shares for on- tap sale, to take advantage of every period of market buoyancy. The current period of buoyancy already looks like a missed opportunity. Many government and public sector entities have surplus land in prime urban areas, and those too should be readied for sale. Even if sales do not take place immediately, preparations for sale, as well as an announced time table, will give bond markets greater conviction the government is serious about restoring fiscal stability.

India's GDP growth cut to 6.9% by CRISIL; these 3 key concerns weigh - The  Financial Express

Turning to government spending, the key will be to prioritize. MNREGA is a tried and tested means of providing rural relief and should be replenished as needed. Given the length of the pandemic, more direct cash transfers to the poorest households, especially in urban areas that do not have access to MNREGA, is warranted. The government and public sector firms should clear their payables quickly so that liquidity moves to corporations. In addition, small firms below a certain size could be rebated the corporate income and GST tax they paid last year , with the rebate tapering off with firm size. This would be an objective way of helping small viable firms based on a hard-to-manipulate metric, even while rewarding them for their honesty. Finally, the government will likely have to set aside resources to recapitalize public sector banks as the extent of losses are recognized.

The private sector should also be urged to give a helping hand. Cash-rich platforms like Amazon, Reliance, and Walmart could help smaller suppliers get back on their feet, even funding some of them. All large firms should be incentivized to clear their receivables quickly.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

SWADESHI MANDI VIDEO - Bengal's Golden Fiber- JUTE



Swadeshi, as a strategy, was a key focus of Mahatma Gandhi, who described it as the soul of Swaraj (self rule). It was strongest in Bengal and was also called the Vandemataram movement in India.

A very significant instrument of social change, in Gandhi’s view, was the precept and practice of swadeshi, which implied self-reliance and self-sufficiency at the level of the individual, the village and the nation. 

By following the swadeshi principle, the nation’s confidence and prosperity could be assured. It would be appropriate to quote him on the rule of swadeshi: “Swadeshi is that spirit in us which restricts us to the use and service of our immediate surroundings to the exclusion of the more remote.


We bring the Swadeshi Mandi concept where we promote the indigenous trades of India. I hail from Kolkata the city of Joy and therefore I promote the indigenous jute industry here. It is a perfect replacement for toxic plastic. From clothes to accessories to masks (see image below) - jute can be used to make anything and everything in an eco-friendly and biodegradable manner because businesses have to adopt a mechanism to support the sustainability of our own planet Earth. With the help of the Maha Mandi event which is going virtual this year- we are getting into the game by trying digital marketing and learning it - hands on!

#MahaMandi #NITIE #MIG #SwadeshiMandi #Focal4Local #LearningByEarning


Links for MIG NITIE:

Youtube link for video :

Consumer behaviours and market changes in COVID-19

 Below are the action items every business has to adopt to survive and grow in the new normal: • Build social connect in social distancing  ...