Tuesday, September 1, 2020

SWADESHI MANDI VIDEO - Bengal's Golden Fiber- JUTE



Swadeshi, as a strategy, was a key focus of Mahatma Gandhi, who described it as the soul of Swaraj (self rule). It was strongest in Bengal and was also called the Vandemataram movement in India.

A very significant instrument of social change, in Gandhi’s view, was the precept and practice of swadeshi, which implied self-reliance and self-sufficiency at the level of the individual, the village and the nation. 

By following the swadeshi principle, the nation’s confidence and prosperity could be assured. It would be appropriate to quote him on the rule of swadeshi: “Swadeshi is that spirit in us which restricts us to the use and service of our immediate surroundings to the exclusion of the more remote.


We bring the Swadeshi Mandi concept where we promote the indigenous trades of India. I hail from Kolkata the city of Joy and therefore I promote the indigenous jute industry here. It is a perfect replacement for toxic plastic. From clothes to accessories to masks (see image below) - jute can be used to make anything and everything in an eco-friendly and biodegradable manner because businesses have to adopt a mechanism to support the sustainability of our own planet Earth. With the help of the Maha Mandi event which is going virtual this year- we are getting into the game by trying digital marketing and learning it - hands on!

#MahaMandi #NITIE #MIG #SwadeshiMandi #Focal4Local #LearningByEarning


Links for MIG NITIE:

Youtube link for video :


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