Monday, August 17, 2020

Business Communication Insights from the co-founder of - Mr.Nikhil Kulkarni

Business Communication Insights:

Mr. Nikhil Kulkarni is the co-founder of Darwin Tech (; a travel technology B2B startup - which works on products for the leisure holiday market. 

After working with KPMG for 11 years he decided to tread the path of an entrepreneur. India needs such entrepreneurs to fulfill the vision of self reliance. 

NITIE's Maha Mandi 2020 event has a central theme which is also about instilling the entrepreneur skill in a student and how effectively we use the virtual tools to communicate about our business effectively. 

The key agendas discussed by Mr. Nikhil Kulkarni were:

  • Business Communication in Consulting 
  • Structuring your content — Pyramid Principle 
  • Creating Impact — Tips & Tricks 
  • Creating a 'Personal Brand' — why, how, when? 
  • Ask me Anything! 

Following were the important points discussed by him:
1) As you proceed in business, Relationship becomes more important than communications. 
These relations are initially built through effective communication.
2) Proposals, reports, executive briefing, detailed project report and work papers:
they are prepared using Word, Excel and Powerpoint and are key to effective communication.
3) Executive briefing - summary of a report must not be sent to clients as the report itself.
4) The Pyramid Principle
-Objective of the document must be crystal clear before preparing it
-The audience of the pitch has to be understood : 
            the one who wants to get it implemented (cost, efforts and outcome) and 
            the one who has to implement (help in growth) 
-Context in which content is consumed : 
            are all aspects of the problem covered and 
            are they mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive (MCME).

5) Use hierarchical structure to organize ideas and maintain flow of information
Key message -> Supporting Argument -> Idea/Data/Fact/Logic (MCME) -> Summarizing
6) Include activity or short videos, use pictures along with text.
7) Creating a personal brand is important : large impact : 
            have a Blog, YouTube channel, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Special thanks to Professor T Prasad for bringing insights from Industry stalwarts in the classroom learnings.
It enables value added and impactful learning for the students.


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